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eMAR: Empowering Superior Care eMAR: Empowering Superior Care

Electronic Medication Administration (eMAR) systems are not just a digital tool to simplify medication management. When used optimally, they are dynamic platforms that can significantly enhance the quality of care in multiple settings. eMAR systems improve care quality by promoting a person-centred approach to medication administration - one that respects and proactively responds to each resident's unique needs and preferences.

Improving care quality and safety

eMAR supports higher-quality care by providing detailed, real-time information about each resident's medication regime at the point of care. Care staff can quickly view the type of medication, dosage, timings, special instructions, and the resident's allergies/preferences within the Camascope app. By having this information readily available, care staff can ensure that each resident's medication is administered in a way that aligns with their specific needs and preferences. Monitoring PRN follow-ups allows care providers to assess the effectiveness of PRNs for each resident, enabling a more proactive and tailored medication management approach. These features enhance the safety and efficacy of medication administration and contribute to a more personalised and respectful experience for residents.

Medication errors are prevalent in healthcare settings, especially when using inefficient and often illegible paper-based systems.

eMAR systems combat these errors by ensuring the right medication is administered to the correct resident at the right time. Moreover, the wealth of data within the eMAR system can also be reported upon and analysed to understand critical trends and to encourage an environment where data-driven decisions are at the heart of resident care

Enhancing operational efficiency and communication

In addition to enhancing safety, eMAR systems improve operational efficiency within care settings. By digitising medication management processes, these systems eliminate the need for time-consuming manual tasks, such as record-keeping, reordering, checking-in, and stock auditing. This reduces the risk of human error and frees up care staff to spend time on direct patient care. This shift in focus from administrative tasks to resident care can significantly enhance the quality of care by permitting staff to spend more time interacting with residents, understanding their needs, and providing person-centred care. Sutton Court Care Centre recently shared with us how eMAR has heightened their quality of care:

"eMAR has been an instrumental system that enables us to save time during drug rounds, and we were able to use this quality time for the residents."

eMAR systems promote improved communication between care providers and pharmacies. Seamless integration with pharmacy software permits real-time updates along the prescription pathway. This enhanced communication can lead to improved medication management, as any changes to a resident's medication regimen can be quickly communicated and implemented, ensuring that residents always receive the most appropriate and effective medication for their needs.

By providing detailed, real-time information about each resident's medication regimen, reducing medication errors, improving operational efficiency, and promoting better communication, eMAR systems are paving the way for a future where technology and healthcare go hand in hand to deliver superior patient care. 

If you’d like to know how Camascope's new eMAR solution can work for your organisation, contact us to find out more.

Robert Livingston
Robert Livingston
Commercial Director
Robert is responsible for Camascope's Sales, Marketing and Business Development functions and works with our care home and remote patient monitoring clients to ensure customer feedback is always fed back into product development
Commercial Director
Robert is responsible for Camascope's Sales, Marketing and Business Development functions and works with our care home and remote patient monitoring clients to ensure customer feedback is always fed back into product development

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