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Digital Transformation in Care: Choosing the Right eMAR System Digital Transformation in Care: Choosing the Right eMAR System

The social care landscape is constantly evolving, with the digitalisation of paper-based processes spearheading this shift. However, navigating the vast market of digital care technologies can be a daunting task for care providers.

When looking to digitally transform medication administration, choosing the right electronic Medication Administration (eMAR) system is paramount. Here we will dive into the key features and considerations care providers should look for in an eMAR solution, helping set them on the path to making an informed choice that significantly benefits their care setting.

Seamless Integration and Interoperability

A cornerstone for any eMAR system is its ability to seamlessly integrate with the existing healthcare and care technology environment. Systems that offer extensive pharmacy integrations enable the automatic entry of medication data upon check-in, ensuring a smooth transition. A standout feature to look for is embedded Proxy Ordering, which streamlines the medication ordering process by enabling direct communication with GP systems. Both these features enable complete end-to-end order tracking (akin to tracking an Amazon parcel), which not only reduces errors and unnecessary back-and-forth communication but also ensures medications are delivered on time. Additionally, two-way integrations with care planning solutions afford care providers a comprehensive overview of a person’s health, enhancing the continuity and quality of care.

User Experience

A user-friendly eMAR system, with an intuitive, modern design that allows for app-based administration, is key. It is important that new staff members and agency staff can upskill themselves on how to administer training because often when it comes to care, time is very much of the essence.

Advanced Medication Scheduling

Flexibility in supporting complex dosing schedules, including PRN (as-needed) medications, is a must-have feature for any eMAR. At the very least, a digital system needs to be able to display the right medication for the right person at the point-of-care. The ability to configure complex doses ensures that residents receive their medications accurately and on time, significantly improving the safety and effectiveness of care delivery.

Real-time Alerts

In the context of delivering proactive levels of care, the importance of real-time alerts within an eMAR system cannot be overstated. Notifications surrounding delayed / missed medication administrations, potential drug clashes, and stock levels are indispensable. They empower care staff to quickly address any issues that arise, ensuring an uninterrupted care experience for residents.

Audit Trails and Reporting

The ability to track medication administration through detailed audit trails and generate comprehensive reports is critical for compliance and internal reviews. Systems with these tools offer invaluable insights into the medication management process, accelerating continuous improvement and proactive care.

Robust Security

Given the sensitive nature of service user data, stringent security measures are paramount. Secure access controls and encryption protect information from unauthorised access, while compliance with rigorous data protection regulations, such as Cyber Essential Plus and ISO 27001, ensures the safety and privacy of patient information. Additionally, eMAR systems with multi-factor authentication (MFA) and IP filtering provide an extra step in safeguarding service user data.

Reliable Support and Training

An eMAR provider that offers extensive training materials, in-person training, and 24/7 customer supports demonstrates a commitment to a care setting's successful eMAR transition, and ongoing operations.

The selection of an eMAR system is a strategic decision that impacts every aspect of medication management in a care setting. By focusing on innovative features like Proxy Ordering, and by prioritising a secure and easy-to-use systems care providers can select a system that not only meets their current needs but one that’s also capable of adapting to the future landscape of care technology.

If you’d like to know how Camascope's new eMAR solution can work for your organisation, contact us to find out more.

Jayme Benson
Jayme Benson
Jayme works in a Business Development capacity at Camascope. He has a background in clinical research at the University of Cambridge, where he worked in a cancer immunotherapy wet lab, specialising in the signalling mechanisms behind CD8+ T cell suppression in cancer. Jayme is an avid Arsenal fan and a keen padel tennis player.
Jayme works in a Business Development capacity at Camascope. He has a background in clinical research at the University of Cambridge, where he worked in a cancer immunotherapy wet lab, specialising in the signalling mechanisms behind CD8+ T cell suppression in cancer. Jayme is an avid Arsenal fan and a keen padel tennis player.

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